We enjoy getting off on our own and away from the crowds. We saw things a bit differently than our fellow passengers, on our recent cruise to New England and Canada.

Doyles Cafe Boston – Home of 9 Sam Adams Varieties

In Boston, we taxied to the Sam Adams Brewery where we tasted a sample of three different beers. After the tour, we took a trolley to Doyle’s Cafe, the one of the oldest Irish pubs in the USA. They serve nine different Sam Adams beers. Although not a beer drinker, I liked Angry Orchard, which tastes like apple cider with a kick, with our fish and chips lunch.

Reversing Falls Bay of Fundy

In Saint John we booked a boat ride through the reversing falls. It was raining, so thankfully, the boat was covered and we were given slickers. There was only one other couple, so it was almost a private trip. When we arrived at the dock on the Saint John River, we could see the water flowing out to the ocean. When we departed on the boat, the water was almost still, as the tide had begun to shift. Our pilot, Andre, took us out toward the ocean into the Bay of Fundy. He pointed out different landmarks for us to note the water level. When we returned about a half hour later, the water had risen several feet. Back on the Saint John River, we could see that the water was actually flowing in the opposite direction. Small waterfalls were flowing inland. Bizarre.

Highland Village Sydney, Nova Scotia

In Sydney, Nova Scotia we elected to rent a car and headed southwest. There is a wonderful Highland Village about an hour away in Iona, where they do a realistic recreation of life in Scotland when immigration started and what early life was like in Sydney. The road meandered next to a huge inlet that they call Bras d’Or (pronounced Bra Door) Lake. The trees were full of leaves for the most part, with orange and yellow being the most dominant colors amongst the green pines.

Cheese Fondue Old Quebec City

The last port of our journey was in the heart of Old Quebec City at the base of the Chateaux Frontenac, now a luxury hotel. On our previous visit, we had the fortune to stay there and at the very different, but equally cool Auberge Saint-Antoine. Mark took me to my favorite Quebec restaurant, Le Petit Chateau, for cheese fondue.

Bull Moose at the Parc national de la Jacques-Cartier

Our cruise ship docked overnight in Quebec so passengers could have more time to enjoy the beautiful city. We had a late flight out on the last day, so we rented a car and drove out to a nearby national park; Parc national de la Jacques-Cartier, for a hike. We hit the jackpot and saw a young bull moose. As we were nearing a meadow, we saw him quite clearly through the trees. We got several good pictures and headed back down the trail through the thinly falling snow. We enjoyed a wonderful variety of experiences. I can offer you insights to help you create your own carefree and romantic experiences.

I’m Sheila Cannon and I help career focused couples, who have no time to plan, have the honeymoon, destination wedding or romantic vacation of a lifetime custom designed for them without them having to lift a finger.  If that’s you, click here to get started putting me to work for you!

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