My daughter and I wanted to travel to South America and thought, since we were going to be all the way in Argentina and Chile, we also wanted to see Antarctica. I searched around looking for ways to various places in So. America, but also actually go to Antarctica, not just cruise by it (and couldn’t figure it out). I called Sheila (Redlands travel agent), told her what we wanted to do and how much money we could spend and she made it all happen. She covers every little detail, thinks of everything, things I would not have thought about until I was there. We went to Buenos Aires, Argentina; Monteviedo, Uraguay; Falkland Islands, Punta Arenas, Chile, Ushuaia, Argentina; Cape Horn, several spots on Antarctica and Santiago, Chile. With this trip my daughter has been to every continent of the world. So if you want someone who has knowledge of many different places, and types of itineraries, give Sheila a call. She can arrange your dream vacation.

Sheila thanks for our trip of a lifetime!!!